Spring Conference 2017

Applying Evidence-Based Medicine in Workers' Comp

Embassy Suites Bellevue

3225 158th Avenue SE, Bellevue, Washington
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Registration and Breakfast at 7:30 a.m.)

Spring Conference traditionally focuses on medical management and disability prevention in workers' compensation, and this year's program takes a deep dive into the application of evidence-based medicine (EBM), the development and use of treatment guidelines and coverage decisions, and the application of EBM in claims management and in litigation. Join our panel of medical and legal experts for a day of high quality continuing education and networking!


Friday, March 17 2017

StructValue([('title', 'Registration and Breakfast'), ('start_time', datetime.time(7, 30)), ('end_time', datetime.time(8, 0)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17f154c0>), ('sessions', []), ('downloads', [])]) StructValue([('title', 'Keynote -- Reactive to Creative: Transforming the Anger of Pain'), ('start_time', datetime.time(8, 0)), ('end_time', datetime.time(9, 0)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17f15dc0>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'David Hanscom, M.D.'), ('organization', 'Swedish Medical Center'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a182f3310>)])])])]), ('downloads', [])]) StructValue([('title', "EBM at the Department - Issues facing L&I's Medical Advisory Committees"), ('start_time', datetime.time(9, 0)), ('end_time', datetime.time(10, 0)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17f15c10>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'Mike Dowling D.C.'), ('organization', 'IICAC Chair'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a182f3910>)]), StructValue([('speaker', 'Kirk Harmon, M.D.'), ('organization', 'IIMAC Vice Chair'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a182f30a0>)])])])]), ('downloads', [])]) StructValue([('title', 'Networking Break'), ('start_time', datetime.time(10, 0)), ('end_time', datetime.time(10, 15)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17f15ee0>), ('sessions', []), ('downloads', [])]) StructValue([('title', "Infectious Disease: A Claims' Managers Guide to Allowance"), ('start_time', datetime.time(10, 15)), ('end_time', datetime.time(11, 30)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a194040a0>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'Dennis Stumpp, M.D.'), ('organization', 'Valley Medical Center'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a182f32e0>)])])])]), ('downloads', [])]) StructValue([('title', 'Networking Lunch'), ('start_time', datetime.time(11, 30)), ('end_time', datetime.time(12, 30)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a194047c0>), ('sessions', []), ('downloads', [])]) StructValue([('title', 'Non-Surgical Approaches to Prevention and Treatment'), ('start_time', datetime.time(12, 30)), ('end_time', datetime.time(13, 30)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a19404b20>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'John Nielsen, PT, DPT, OCS'), ('organization', 'Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a182f3eb0>)]), StructValue([('speaker', 'Kevin Norris, PT, DPT, CSCS'), ('organization', 'Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a182f3d90>)])])])]), ('downloads', [])]) StructValue([('title', 'Diagnostic Testing Related to Back Injuries'), ('start_time', datetime.time(13, 30)), ('end_time', datetime.time(14, 30)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a19404ee0>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'William A. Anderson, M.D.'), ('organization', 'Swedish Medical Center'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a182f3be0>)])])])]), ('downloads', [])]) StructValue([('title', 'Networking Break'), ('start_time', datetime.time(14, 30)), ('end_time', datetime.time(14, 45)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a194042b0>), ('sessions', []), ('downloads', [])]) StructValue([('title', 'Legislative Update - Where do Things Stand? '), ('start_time', datetime.time(14, 45)), ('end_time', datetime.time(15, 0)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a19404550>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'Kris Tefft, Executive Director'), ('organization', 'WSIA'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a182f3190>)])])])]), ('downloads', [None])]) StructValue([('title', 'How does EBM fare at the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals?'), ('start_time', datetime.time(15, 0)), ('end_time', datetime.time(16, 0)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a19404730>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'Tim Reeve, Attorney'), ('organization', 'Reeve Shima, P.C.'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a182f3370>)]), StructValue([('speaker', 'Knowrasa Patrick, Assistant Chief Industrial Appeals Judge'), ('organization', 'Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a182f3580>)])])])]), ('downloads', [])])

Continuing Education Credits

WSIA will award 6.5 (1.25 statutory) continuing education credits for the Washington Workers' Compensation Professional (WWCP) recertification. The following additional professional development credentials will be available to attendees:

  • L&I CEU - Applied forHCRI-SHRM 165px
  • CRC - Applied for
  • CDMS - Applied for
  • SHRM / HRCI recertification credits - Approved for 6.5 Credits 


WSIA Members - $225, full breakfast and lunch included

Additional members from same organization - $150 each (contact office to register multiple attendees with group discount)

Non-members - $350

Hotel Information

Embassy Suites Bellevue, 3225 158th Avenue SE, Bellevue, Washington 98008

Click here for hotel information

WSIA has reserved a limited room block for overnight attendees. Rates are $169.00 per night.
Call (425) 644-2500 to reserve your room by Thursday February 23, 2017.

Cancellation Information

A cancellation fee of $75 will be charged for cancellations received by March 10, 2017.  This is to offset the cost of room rental, reserved meals, and conference material production.

No credit will be given for cancellations made after March 10, 2017.