All-Star Claims Management
Historic Davenport Hotel
10 S. Post Street, Spokane, Washington
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Back this year at the Inland Empire's marquee Historic Davenport Hotel, Winter East features an all-star, multidisciplinary look at THE major issues in workers' comp claims management.
Focusing on successful resolution and effective return to work, this year's conference presents detailed case studies, take-home tips, and input from the experts, and will offer insights for risk managers, claims managers, safety professionals, lawyers, health care providers, vocational and return to work providers, human resource professionals, and more.
Want to attend in Seattle? Click here for our companion Winter West conference on January 12, 2018.
Topics Covered:
- Return to Work Risk Management - Led by Attorney Nicole Tedrow of Associated Industries, a panel of self-insured and state fund employers from the area will discus aspects of their programs that focus on successful outcomes for injured workers.
- Achieving a Workplace Culture for Successful Return to Work - Dr. Joseph Marth of Archbright will talk about the fundamentals of creating and sustaining a healthy workplace culture to promote return to work.
- New and Interactive Safety Training Methods - Gonzaga University's Safety Programs Manager Larry Hagel will lead an interactive presentation on how to break through to employees by breaking away from old and boring safety training methods. With employee health and safety on the line, it's critical to connect and engage.
- A Generational Approach to Claims and Disability Management - Rita Carson of Archbright will explore the differences that savvy claims and human resource managers take into account in dealing with injuries and disabilities across the generations.
- Washington's New Paid Sick Leave Law - Outreach Specialist Tuyen Manikhoth of the Department of Labor & Industries will cover all the essentials of the Paid Sick Leave mandate that goes into effect Jan. 1, 2018, to ensure employers are in compliance with this important new employment law.
- Compliance Tips and More on the New Leave Laws - Attorney Angie Hayes of Associated Industries will lead a session providing an employer's perspective on both Paid Sick Leave as well as the new Paid Family & Medical Leave Insurance law, addressing compliance and planning.
- Case Studies, Strategies for Prevention and Resolution - Attorneys Tedrow and Hayes will close the day out with a panel discussion offering take-home tips on preventing and successfully resolving difficult claims and workplace issues.
A special thanks to Archbright and Associated Industries for partnering with us for Winter East!
Additional Sponsors & Exhibitors
We are looking to showcase Presenting, Platinum, and Gold sponsors for the event - get your company's name out there and show your support of self-insurance in Washington!
Also, a limited number of exhibitor spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. (Update: As of 12/01 all six exhibitor spaces have been reserved. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, contact Kari).
Sponsorships and exhibitor spaces include one or more conference registration.
Click here for sponsorship & exhibitor information or contact Kari Heinold directly.
Venue Information
Historic Davenport Hotel
10 S. Post Street, Spokane

Continuing Education Credits
WSIA will award 7 CEC units with 1 being statutory for the Washington Workers' Compensation Professional (WWCP) requirements. The following additional credentials will be applied for and noted when awarded:
- L&I CEU - Applied for 7 Claims Management Credits
- CRC - Applied for 7 Credits
- CDMS - Applied for 7 Credits
- SHRM / HRCI recertification credits - Approved for 7 Credits
- WSBA CLE, Applied for 7 Credits
WSIA Members - $225, full breakfast and lunch included
Additional members from same organization - $150 each
Non-members - $350 (Interested in becoming a WSIA member? Click here for more info!)
Cancellation Information
A cancellation fee of $75 will be charged for cancellations received by January 5, 2018. This is to offset the cost of room rental, reserved meals, and conference material production. No credit will be given for cancellations made after January 5, 2018.