The WSIA Weekly, 4.3.15

Labor & Industries extends comment period for DOSH/WISHA penalties rule

For those still wishing to provide official comments on the Department’s proposal to revamp (and in many cases increase) the penalties available against employers found to have violated workplace safety laws, Labor & Industries has extended the public comment period until April 14, 2015. Comments can be e-mailed to


Labor & Industries releases results of medical provider survey

Charts and graphs enthusiasts rejoice, the Department of Labor & Industries has released the results of their recent survey of medical providers on how the Department is doing. Some of the issues the survey highlights for the State Fund to improve upon may also provide food for thought for self-insured interaction with the medical community.


Workers’ comp legislative activity slows down while budget takes center stage

WSIA’s top legislative priority, the creation of the Benefit Accuracy Working Group at Labor & Industries to tackle wage simplification issues is sitting in the House Rules Committee awaiting a pull to the floor for consideration. ESB 5418, creating a State Fund pilot program for outside management of catastrophic claims, passed out of the House Labor Committee on Monday, but with an amendment giving the Department wide latitude on whether to use an outside organization at all during the contemplated pilot. That bill’s fate is uncertain. Meanwhile, the House passed its 2015-17 operating budget yesterday, while the Senate worked into the wee hours of this morning on a series of amendments to their budget, with passage likely Monday. The two chambers are far apart on taxes and spending, and the rest of the session will largely be the story of how (and whether) they reconcile their differences.


Workers’ Compensation Advisory Committee to meet next week

The state’s Workers’ Compensation Advisory Committee will hold its next quarterly meeting Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Labor & Industries headquarters in Tumwater. The WCAC meetings are open to the public. Topics on the agenda include a discussion of the new information technology system under development to assist self-insurance audit reform, the Self-Insurance Risk Analysis System (SIRAS). WSIA is represented on the WCAC by Sheri Sundstrom of Hoffman Construction.


New on the blog: Roundup of news from here and around the country

Largely under the direction of Patrick Koenig, our Professional Development Coordinator, we’ve really ramped up the amount of industry news content shared daily on our Facebook page. But realizing not everyone in on Facebook or can access it easily at the office, we’ve started to periodically round up the most interesting news on our blog. Take a look.


To our members and friends celebrating this weekend, we wish you a very happy and blessed Passover and Easter Season